New beginnings

Publié le par Anne

For several reasons, I have decided to resume the activity on this blog. However, it is no longer going to be in French, but in English, so as to develop my english writing skills.


The subject will be the same: my experience in India.


It has now been four and a half years that I am in India. I never thought I would have lasted that long. Anyway, that's not the subject of today's post.


Ok, let's start.


A couple of very good Indian friends is currently in a plane.

Destination: Poland

Temperature at destination: -25 degrees

Temperature in Mumbai : + 31 degrees


Their company offered them a two year contract to physically head the teams they had been heading on the phone till date. 


Good for them, not so good for us! With them gone, we can definitely be tagged as OLD!!! They are the ones who always liked partying, always ready for new experiences, full of energy. I don't really like clubbing, but you always need this kind of people as friends to shake you up and make sure you don't fall in a routine.


So yesterday was their farewell dinner. It was nice and friendly, although you could see that Shilpa and Sunil were very tired from days of packing, organizing their adventure, rationalizing their fears and getting ready. Some glimpse of anxiety appeared : how will the first days be like? Will we be too cold? Will we manage on the food front?

Back home, as I was lying in bed, happy not to be in their shoes, I was trying to remember how I felt when I left one country for another.

Funnily enough, my departure from New York to India was very clear in my head and memories were easily popping up: my packing struggles, my sister helping me putting my luggage in the taxi, the nice airport guy who allowed me to travel with over 100kg of luggage without much extra fee. I even remember  what I was wearing that day.

However, I had to think hard to remember anything from my departure from Paris to New York. 

Is it because the cultural choc would not be as impactful? Is it because the changes in my life were not going to be as drastic?



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